A vitamin "bomb" that brings back life to body
Written by: Mladen Ardalić
Friday, 13.02.2022.
Today’s fast-paced life, stress, and an improper diet, can cause chronic fatigue and burn-out syndrome, while frequent plain travel results in jet lag.
IntraVita intravenous infusions are a combination of vitamins, minerals, and amino acids that restores lost energy in just 30 minutes. IntraVita infusions have multiple effects, such as restoring balance in the body, raising energy levels, increasing strength, improving concentration, strengthening the immune system, and contributing to better cognitive and physical performance. In addition, it helps detoxify the liver, burn fat, improve the condition of the complexion and hair, as well as alleviate allergic reactions.
Many celebrities regularly use IntraVita, like Rihanna, Madonna, Brad Pitt, Chrissy Teigen, Simon Cowell, and members of the British royal family.
Over a thousand doctors have confirmed the effectiveness of IntraVita products in more than 100 clinics in Europe and around the world, and with the help of Vomi Consulting they are now available on the Croatian market.

Vomi consulting
za savjetovanje i informacijske tehnologije
Ulica Hrvatske Republike 17b, Osijek
OIB: 54258390599
IBAN: HR4223600001102438758
Tel: 031 202 481
Fax: 031 214 520

Vomi commerce
za proizvodnju, trgovinu i usluge
Ulica Hrvatske Republike 17b, Osijek
OIB: 36946449172
IBAN: HR7325000091102017492
Tel: 031 202 481
Fax: 031 214 520

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